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Billswift trademarked & copyright protected 2005.

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

1. Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

A bribe is giving or offering to give anything of value to a person to influence a discretionary decision e.g. payment to encourage a decision to award or to continue a business relationship or to influence an audit.

They may not be given, received, offered or solicited; whether directly or indirectly through a third party.

Many countries have passed legislation criminalizing bribery and the sanctions can be severe, including significant individual and corporate fines, and even imprisonment

At Beeswift we acknowledge the definition of a Bribe but at the same time understand that in certain cultures it is disrespectful to not accept a gift. We therefore will accept gifts but this must be documented in line with policy 2 below. However, cash must not or high value items be given or accepted under any circumstances as this will be deemed as a bribe.

2. Gifts

All gifts which have a nominal value (less than £50) will not need to be uploaded onto a register). All gifts having a value of more than £50 will need to be added to a register clearly explaining who is the originator of the gift.

All gifts exceeding £50 will be randomly distributed to the staff at Christmas or other agreed events or auctioned of for charitable donations.

All items given as gifts should be recorded on the gift register within 6 weeks of the event or within 6 weeks of returning to the UK.

3. Hospitality

Where hospitality is provided (e.g. food, over- night accommodation (hotels), tickets for sporting / entertainment events these must be recorded on the hospitality register

It is not unreasonable to provide modest and appropriate hospitality according to Business needs.

Meals may be provided in the business context, such as when an employee is on a visit to a business partner, supplier, customer but these should not be lavish or overly expensive.

Meals provided on overseas business trips are acceptable provided that they are not lavish or overly expensive as refusal in many circumstances would be deemed as offensive.

4. Conflicts of Interest

All Beeswift employees or third parties working for or on behalf of Beeswift must avoid any situation that is, or may be perceived as a Conflict of Interest.

Beeswift Employees or third parties working on behalf of Beeswift are required to disclose the following:

  • Any close relationship that could affect the business relationship or a business decision.
  • Close family ties with persons who can influence the business decision.
  • Any common business interests

5. Confidentiality and Reporting

All Beeswift employees or third parties working for or on behalf of Beeswift are required to report concerns regarding Ethical issues or violations of this Code of Conduct to


6. Drugs and Alcohol policy

All Beeswift employees or third parties working for or on behalf of Beeswift are bound by Beeswift Drugs and Alcohol Policy

  • The policy seeks to prevent accidents or damage to property, arising through oversights and errors of judgement as a result of the consumption of drugs and or alcohol.
  • Working on the behalf of Beeswift Limited under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.

Suppliers and service providers must ensure that all of their staff who work on Beeswift site(s) are familiar with this policy on drugs and alcohol and have systems in place to ensure that their employees abide by the policy.

  • Random testing of staff, suppliers, contractors and service providers may be undertaken. Action may be taken against any staff member or supplier found to be in breach.
  • Where personnel have an issue with either drugs or alcohol please contact HR at Beeswift as help will be provided and this will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

7. Labour Practices (basically ETI 9 Base Code) + Grievance Procedure

Employment must be freely Chosen

Forced, bonded or compulsory labour must not be used. Employees must be free to leave employment at any time after reasonable notice. Employees must not be required to lodge identity papers nor other valuable items with their employer.

Freedom of association

In line with local laws, employers must recognise the rights of employees to choose whether or not to be represented by a trade union and to organise and engage in union activities. Where workers ?representation and collective bargaining are restricted by law, employer must ensure that worker?s rights, needs and views can be considered and acted upon.

Child labour shall not be used

No person shall be employed who is under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is the greatest. Young people under the age of 18 shall not be employed to work in hazardous conditions.

Working Hours

Working hours should not exceed the standards set in local law and should not be excessive. Workers should be allowed at least one day off per seven-day period or at least 2 days off in every 14 days.

Wages and Benefits

Employees? employment should be clearly communicated to them. Employees should be fairly and reasonably paid in line with applicable laws relating to minimum wage, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Workers should be paid in a timely manner, documented via pay slips or similar.


There shall be no discrimination in hiring and employment practices such as promotions, rewards or access to training. Employees should not be discriminated against on behalf of race, caste, national origin. Religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.

Harsh and inhumane treatment

There shall be no harsh or inhumane treatment of workers such as verbal or physical abuse. Disciplinary procedures should be clearly defined and communicated to workers.

Human Trafficking

Employers will take a proactive approach to eliminating human trafficking. As such any staff employed even temporary must show their passport, birth certificate and or work permit. Any suspected case of human trafficking must be reported to the appropriate authorities, in line with the current legislation.

Grievance procedure

Employers will outline a clear and fair grievance procedure which should be in line with UNGP (United Nations Guiding Principles) that facilitates issues and suggested improvements.

  • Name: L M GILES
  • Position: CEO
  • Date: 14.06.19