Site content and images copyright to Beeswift Limited 2013.
Billswift trademarked & copyright protected 2005.

Beeswift Online

Online Literature Download

Our products are constantly being updated, with new products being added regularly; making it hard for our customers to always have an up-to-date version of the Clickalogue. To combat this problem Beeswift developed the Online Literature Download system. This system allows you to generate up-to-date product range PDFs almost instantly at any time through Beeswift Online.

If you are an existing Beeswift Online customer please go to

For customers who wish to sign up to Beeswift Online or would like more information please contact your external representative or call us on 0121 524 2323 .

How to download brochures

To download Beeswift brochures as an up to date PDF you must first navigate to Beeswift Online and log in.

Once you are logged in to Beeswift Online Select Literature from the Left navigation bar, You may have to scroll down to see this option.

Customise Literature

You will now see a page with a form, here you can select which one of our brand brochures you would like to download, along with the option to display your address and contact details on the back cover

Once you have filled in all required forms click the "Submit Brochure" option, an email will be sent to the email address attached to your Beeswift Online account containing the PDF requested.

Thank you for using the Beeswift Online literature system!